
Grid World

Blog of Feeling Responsive A basic example where the AI is trained to reach to the destination and avoid the obstacle in a grid world. Read More ›


2D Plane - GAN

Blog of Feeling Responsive Using Generative Adversarial Network(GAN) to generate data of multimodal guassian distribution on a 2D plane. Read More ›


Calamachine Union

Blog of Feeling Responsive Calamachine Union! An actual game that uses reinforcement learning. The gameplay is to design and train your agent to play a platformer game! Read More ›


Banana Collectors

Blog of Feeling Responsive A copy of the Unity ML-Agents' Banana Collector environment. The agents are trained to collect bananas, shoot at each other and avoid the bad bananas. Discrete action branching is used in this example. Read More ›


3D Ball

Blog of Feeling Responsive A basic example where the AI is trained to balance a ball on a plate using both PPO and Neural Evolution Algorithm. The environment is a copy of the Unity ML-Agents' 3DBall environment. Read More ›